Песочная полоска с фруктовой начинкой,
Document for printing. Ваша электронная почта. Fruit filling Appearance: a thick mass with a smear or jelly consistency with or without fruit or parts evenly distributed in it.
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Минимальная сумма заказа Р. Пожалуйста, укажите номер телефона. Ammonium carbonate Ammonium carbonate is a dense lump of crystals that can be easily broken into powder. Crystals can be white, colorless, slightly pinkish, gray. The reagent is volatile, has a characteristic smell of ammonia, because already at room temperature begins to decompose, giving off NH3 ammonia. Water-soluble, soluble in alcohol and glycerin, unstable when heated, in contact with air, in solution.
Should be stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place, preferably in containers protected from light. Sodium hydrogen carbonate White crystalline powder, odorless.
Все сырье и полуфабрикаты, поступающие на склады предприятия, должны соответствовать требованиям действующей НД, сопровождаются документом, удостоверяющим их качество и безопасность, а так же маркировочным ярлыком на каждом тарном месте ящике, фляге, коробке с указанием даты изготовления, срока годности или срока хранения.
На предприятиях должны соблюдаться требования, предъявляемые к хранению продуктов, предотвращающие их порчу. Поступившие в производство продукты перекладывают в чистую промаркированную в соответствии с видом продукта производственную тару или хранят в таре поставщика.
Butter When unpacking, it is carefully checked for the absence of foreign objects. The surface of the oil is cleaned in a special room on metal tables. Stands up to a temperature of degrees. Before use, the oil is cut into pieces and carefully examined. Intra-workshop transportation of unpacked oil is carried out in a clean, closed production container.
It is allowed to use oil strippings in the manufacture of baked products. If the fats are used in melted form, then they are filtered through a metal sieve with a mesh size of 1. White sugar Sugar, used in the production in dry form, is sieved through a sieve with a mesh size of not more than 3 mm and passed through magnetic traps. Sugar used for the preparation of syrup is sieved, dissolved in water, and the resulting sugar syrup is filtered through a metal sieve with a mesh size of not more than 1.
Then add flour and continue kneading the dough for no more than 1—2 minutes. Shortcrust pastry should have a smooth surface without lumps and traces of impurities, color from light yellow to yellow, pleasant smell and light aroma of essence.
The moisture content of the dough is Then the layers are cut and transferred to the pastry sheets using a rolling pin. The excess dough at the edges of the sheet is cut off. Before baking, the surface of the dough is pricked in several places to prevent swelling. The shortcrust pastry sheets are not greased. The dough for cakes and sliced pastries is rolled out to a thickness of mm.
For round cakes, the rolled dough is formed with a round metal recess, for square cakes, cut with a knife. The ring dough is rolled out to a thickness of 6—7 mm. The rolled dough is formed with a metal recess. The dough for cakes "Krakowski" is rolled out to a thickness of 5—6 mm, the dough for baskets is rolled out to a thickness of 7—8 mm, placed on corrugated molds and the bottom and walls are lined with dough; molds with dough are baked on sheets.
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